3 Signs Mediation May Be the Best Approach for Your Divorce

When divorces are especially contentious, and common ground can’t be found, couples may have no choice but to let a judge settle their issues for them. However, courtroom litigation is typically costly, time-consuming, and may only serve to amplify the emotional upheaval of dissolving your marriage, so it should be treated as a last resort. Under the right conditions, mediation offers most couples a much more productive way through this difficult, life-changing transition.

3 Signs Mediation Is Right for You

1. You Have a Foundation of Trust
mediationBecause there’s no discovery process in mediation, you will have to trust that your spouse will honestly disclose their financial information and list their assets accordingly. Cooperation is the core of this process, so if you have any reason to believe your ex is trying to hide assets mediation may not be right for you.

2. There’s an Equal Balance of Power
The impartial professional will work to ensure that each party’s rights are respected by the final agreement, but it’s still possible for you to be bullied during mediation. In general, the mediation process provides the best results when each of you has an equal power stance in the relationship.

3. You Both Want a Peaceful Resolution
Mediation is a tool allowing divorcing couples to quickly settle their issues and move on with their lives. However, for it to be effective, each of you will have to commit to solving problems, and not using the process as a means to act on your feelings of disappointment, sadness, or betrayal.

Are you considering mediation? As a firm that focuses exclusively on divorce and family law, Geffner Kersch in Garden City, NY, has the expertise to help you get on with the next phase of your life.
